Competency to Consent or Refuse Treatment

Competency to consent to treatment, and especially competency to refuse treatment, may be a matter of life or death. In most instances, history will suffice, and no testing is needed to ascertain the examinee’s appreciation of risks, benefits, alternatives, or no treatment. The Forensic Panel’s neuropsychology expert will carefully review available evidence and interview data, and test those capabilities that remain unclear. Tests may be needed to assess a person's intelligence or understanding and to determine their competency to refuse or consent to treatment. If decision making is affected by psychosis or peculiarities of personality, personality testing may likewise contribute to the analysis of some cases.

Peer Reviewed Competency Assessments

The neuropsychologists and psychologists of The Forensic Panel, in addition to being the most highly qualified of examiners, are acquainted with ethical and legal precedents that need to be factored into such competency appraisals. Combined with the rigorous peer-review of The Forensic Panel, assessments reflect the highest integrity and objectivity in clear, cogent reports when there are questions of competency.