The inmate’s older now – but too old to break the law? Beyond age, a variety of factors play a role in making decisions about an inmate’s future and whether there is a risk of recidivism. Among those inmates distinguished for special recidivism consideration from the general population are repeat offenders (especially those who show a high degree of violence), the mentally ill, sex offenders, substance abusers and youthful offenders. In addition to considering these factors, by examining the inmate and his or her records and reviewing the results of psychological tests conducted with the inmate, the experienced forensic psychiatrist can form opinions on the recidivism prognosis for the inmate. This prognosis can be factored into each of the multiple stages of a case, from plea negotiations, through sentencing, through parole.
While The Forensic Panel recognizes the drawbacks in over-utilizing psychological tests to reach conclusions about recidivism risks, we prioritize the use of verifiable history-based instruments that draw forensic information from enough sources to confirm accounts and to crystallize psychiatric, substance abuse, medical diagnostic and clinical impressions of the defendant. Forensic psychiatrists aim to reduce recidivism risk in high-risk individuals, identify criminogenic factors, and focus on skills development that may offer a different type of life for offenders who will eventually be released.
Peer Reviewed Inmate Recidivism Assessment
The Forensic Panel does not practice categorical fortunetelling. Instead, our expert psychiatrists are not only intimately acquainted with state-of-the-art research; they are experienced clinicians who understand from their own practice how to identify individuals with a high risk of recidivism and how to keep a defendant out of prison. The Forensic Panel’s peer reviewed system also eliminates idiosyncratic scientific analysis in an area at risk for biased perspective, and is driven by history unique to the inmate in question.