Physical and Emotional Injury

Personal injury claims often have to sort through various factors that may account for a litigant’s sense of limitation, including the claim itself. In personal injury cases, where there may have been damage to the head or spine, examinations and reviews of records and test results by neuroradiologists are vital to the decision of the judge or jury. Using advanced techniques such as computer tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron-emission tomography (PET), (SPECT) and ultrasound.

The Forensic Panel’s expert neuroradiologists can determine the nature of a neurological condition, extent of the injury, and can inform the significance of its impact on future functioning. Alternatively, if an emotional injury claim is raised, neuroimaging can inform the court whether symptoms that a person is experiencing are purely psychiatric or actually an outgrowth of another neurological condition.

Moreover, the peer-review oversight of The Forensic Panel ensures of the highest integrity in the interpretation and reporting of findings from visual imaging.