Those who suffer unexpected injuries or toxic reactions may find their history at issue in product liability litigation. Emergency medicine, trauma and neurosurgery specialists, and critical care physicians of The Forensic Panel evaluate and diagnose injuries that may relate to the defectiveness of a product or untoward reaction. Included in this area, especially when the product is a pharmaceutical or a corporation is held to account for the actions of an employee, is an assessment of drug dependence and withdrawal issues, especially when unexpected reactions are facilitated by self medication and drug interaction.
Physicians familiar with the appearance and severity of physical injuries can contribute additional input as to the vector of the injury – specifically, whether the injury arose from a product not otherwise expected to harm.
The Forensic Panel’s medical investigative experience enables emergency medicine and critical care physicians and their colleagues to review all pertinent evidence informing whether the injury was indeed a result of the defective product in question. The Forensic Panel’s peer-review provides oversight from physicians with complementary expertise; this access to colleagues in occupational medicine, family medicine, and other pertinent specialties protects the examination from blind spots that might contribute bias or presumptive conclusions. Each case brought to The Forensic Panel’s attention is meticulously investigated to ensure an evaluation of a patient’s injury that adheres to standards of understanding of the product in question and the effects for which it may sometimes be unfortunately responsible.