Extent of Physical Suffering

Injury claims may assert physical suffering. In collisions and assaults, emergency medicine and trauma physicians can quantify the amount of suffering through extensive investigation of medical records, medical history, and interviews with the patient (when possible), witnesses, or input from the patient’s family and friends. More longstanding injuries may be more appropriate for The Forensic Panel’s expert’s in physical medicine, orthopedic surgery, and neurology.

The range of physician specialists contributing to The Forensic Panel imbues every inquiry with the specialty experience that best approximates the inquiry of your case. The Forensic Panel’s emergency and general medicine experts have extensive and ongoing patient-care experience in assessing the severity of physical suffering that enables a physician to educate the court.

The validity and reliability of the expert physician’s assessment of physical suffering is enhanced by The Forensic Panel’s peer-review. This exceptional oversight disciplines the evaluation from bias that might otherwise influence such inscrutable determinations as “how much did the examinee suffer,” or “how much is the examinee likely to suffer? Peer-review accountability ensures that all necessary sources of information contribute to our analysis, and that final conclusions adhere to standards of each involved discipline. The care with which the specialist arrives at a well-informed and objective decision strengthens the impact of the findings upon the court.